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作者:来源: 阅读次数:日期:2018-07-02

































Mr. President, Dean of the School ofEconomics, distinguished guests, fellow graduands, ladies and gentlemen, goodmorning.

Life is about the journey and not thedestination. Two months before we got to China, my classmates and I were in anonline group getting to know each other, helping each other figure out travelissues and learning about each other’s country (I had no idea that there was acountry called Brunei. Thank you Najiah). However, no amount of preparationcould have properly prepared us for the trials that we would face over the nexttwo years. When we arrived to CUFE in September 2016, all 23 of us, for manyreasons, questioned if we had made the right decision to embark on thisjourney. Two years later we are all graduating together, as a family

The move to China was extremelydifficult, as it meant a difference in food, language, culture and that personswould be half way across the world from their families. Learning to live inthis environment had its daily struggles. However we picked ourselves up and wepersevered and we made it work. We learnt where to get the best Chinese food onboth the Ele and Meituan food delivery services, how to find quality goods onTaobao, how to react to the constant staring, touching and picturing taking butmost importantly we learnt how to get around the language barrier. I am suresome of my classmates will tell their grandchildren how they survived in Chinafor two years knowing only ‘Nihao’, ‘Duoshao’, ‘Zhege’, ‘Xie Xie” and the classfavourite‘Meiyou’. To be honest we owe our initial survival to our classmateswho came here in 2015 and to the international department of the trainingschool as they helped us navigate the subway systems, restaurant menus andhealth care facilities. The volunteers assigned to us and in particular Anna,went above and beyond to ensure that we were always well taken care of. Evenwhen we would get on her last nerve, within the next few minutes, she’d stillsmile that reassuring smile at whoever her provoker was and go on to helpingus. Persons such as David and Mudan and Peggy, who joined later, were always atext or phone call away and they were always willing to listen to ourcomplaints and assure us that all would be taken care of. We are truly gratefulto have had such willing administrators and without them, our new life wouldhave surely been more difficult.

For some of my classmates, this wouldbe their first time studying economics as our class is made up of not onlyeconomists, but project managers, engineers, teachers, lawyers, bankingprofessionals and national security officers. By helping each other and throughthe guidance of our lecturers Prof. Linda, Prof. Ding, Prof. Jane, Prof. Hengand later Prof, Chen, we were successful in the completion of our degree. However,it was our lives outside of the classroom that taught us some very valuablelessons in Economics that can be described as the RIO principles.

 FIRST: People are rational. I don'tmean that people are computer-like calculators of pleasure and pain. I do notmean that people have perfect foresight and perfect information. Thisdefinition of rationality is less demanding, but still helps to make sense ofthe world. Through our many discussions we have learnt about not just the hostcountry’s culture but that of our own. Somethings that my classmates do I willnever but I understand their reason for doing it and why it would seem rationalto them and I believe that the ability to understand someone’s perspective onan issue is greatly needed as an economist and just as a human being ingeneral.

 SECOND: Ignore sunk cost. When wewere internally debating whether or not it was worth staying in China, we hadto think about all that we gave up in order to be here. The fact is thisnothing changes the past. The fact that we are all here today is a testament tothe fact that we looked at what we would stand to gain rather than what we havealready sacrificed and we pushed forward.

 THIRD: There is an opportunity costto everything. Such as the cost of travelling to Chaoyang to enjoy good musicand fun is staying at school and avoiding that two hour train ride. Moreimportantly and less recognized is that we learnt that time has a cost.

Even if we are attending a"free" lecture, watching a "free" movie online, or enjoyingsomeone else's "free" food, we are paying a cost, which is whateverelse we could have been doing such as studying and/or sleeping

I would like to take a moment to extenda hearty thank you to China’s Ministry of Commerce, whom through their missionto afford citizens of developing countries an opportunity to study, haveenabled us to have pursued this Masters programme. We are truly grateful andwill forever be ambassadors of CUFE and China at large.

As I said initially, all 23 of usstarted this journey together and despite the fact that the overall aim was tocomplete our studies and earn our Masters, the real beauty of the last twoyears is in the way we came together as one and got through our trials,academically, socially and personally. So here we are today, the result of muchhard work and a celebration of our success.

It is here where we have sought to finda path in life, and we have been guided by our friends, families, and teachersevery step of the way. We have been provided with countless opportunities,unwavering support, invaluable assistance, and as much knowledge as we couldhandle (and sometimes more) in order for us to develop and flourish as humanbeings. I am proud to share this moment with you all. I pray that the bond weshare will extend beyond China as our being here was not merely for studies butabout building linkages. Being able to call on each other and give or receive ahelping hand. It has been a privilege to be schooled here and our education isa gift with which we will go forth and attempt to make positive change in theworld.

Congratulations to all graduates of theSchool of Economics and all the best for your future endeavours.


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